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According to recent data, out of 480,000 tons of PET (plastic used for bottles of water and other beverages) only 140,000 are recycled, the rest ending up directly in landfills.
Perhaps not everybody knows that today technology can convert plastic into cutting-edge textiles.
For many people indeed plastic is turning into one of the most harmful problems for the planet whereas others see an incredible resource for developing environmentally friendly products.
Through complex chemical or mechanical processing, this kind of plastic is ground into polyester flakes and turned into granules by being melted, then extruded into fibres and later spun.
To reduce environmental impact, Pontetorto has long been committed to recycling some of the plastic abandoned on beaches and in landfills and using these environmentally friendly yarns to produce fleece fabrics.
It is the latest milestone regarding synthetic fibers that Pontetorto , together with major brands in chemistry , has recently presented . The products within this family have biodegradable characteristics both in aerobic form ( in the presence of oxygen – ASTMD6691 standard ) and in anaerobic form ( in the absence of oxygen – ASTMD5511 standard )